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Kitchen Tips- Peelings Made Easy

Peeling most of the items is a very time consuming and also a tedious process. Here are 5 main tips for an easy peel off.

Peeling Of Onions

We almost use onions in most of our dishes and it has become a part of our daily routine. We all know how messy is to cut and peel an onion. Here is an easy way to cut and peel the onion without crying.

  • Place the onion in the refrigerator before slicing. Slice and peel it when it is cold. This can reduce the crying.

  • Cut the onion vertically and place the flat part against the board. Peel the layers with the hand.

Peeling Of Garlic

Garlic has also the same importance as that of onion. It more harder to peel than the onions. One of the famous easy method is flat knife method.

  • Place the clove on the chopping board. Hold the flat part of the knife above the clove. Smash the knife with your palm. The skin will come off easily. You can peel it with your hand.

Peeling The Shell Of A Boiled Egg

If you are in a rush, then peeling the shell can be a tedious process. This is a very simple method and it takes only 10 seconds. let me tell you how the blowing method is done.

  • When the eggs cool down, make 2 holes on the bottom and the lower part of the egg by removing some egg shells. Make sure that the lower hole is bigger than the top. just give it a blow from the top and the soft and edible interior will slide down effortlessly.

Peeling Of Potato

This method can also be done without much effort. This method is called hot and cold water method.

  • With a knife, first give it a slice to the potato skin lengthwise. only slice the skin not the inner part. Then place the potatoes into the boiling water for about 10 seconds. Then with a ladle or something transfer these potatoes into a bowl of cold water. place it there for about 10 seconds. Then the skin will come off effortlessly with your hands.

Peeling Of Ginger

  • Using a knife to peel the ginger can be a little bit danger and also you can lost half of the ginger if not cut carefully. Rather than using a knife , a spoon can do the trick perfectly and clean.

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